[Update 3] Li Yifeng’s Car Gets into an Accident


Ah lala, people should really learn to be careful when driving. The pictures nearly gave me a heart attack, but as far as we know, it is all material damages. Because not much is known so far and no official announcement was released, we will update this post as we get more information. In the meantime, look at this horror!

TL; DR: Authority found a luxury car and based from the car ID number, it is Li Yifeng’s. However, nobody was there when the authority arrived.. This scandal can get big. v_v

  1. UPDATE: Official statement declares Li Yifeng was not drunk and is doing fine.
  2. UPDATE 2: More information about Li Yifeng, not drunk, but was the driver
  3. UPDATE 3: Li Yifeng was reaching for his phone when the accident happened.

This is what happens when you own a Lamborghini, which is a luxurious car made in Italy. The accident toke place in Beijing, around 3AM China Time. As the car hit the left side of a bridge, it is pretty much destroyed. Because no driver was found at the scene, we cannot determinate who was the driver immediately. However, the authority and the car broker already confirmed the owner to be Li Yifeng. Currently, the hashtag #车主李易峰超跑车祸# [Trans: Li Yifeng supercar owner in accident] is trending on weibo…

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Thoughts: Hope he wasn’t drunk or anything because that is just stupid and unforgiveble. Also, I heard China is getting serious about drunking driving laws these days. The good thing is that there is no victim (?) Of course, there is always the option that his manager or friend was driving instead of him. Either way, this is not pretty.

[UPDATE 1] His company released an official statement: “Li Yifeng was not drank and is not injured either.” “感谢各位对李易峰关心,他人没事,正在前往摩纳哥的飞机上。”

Pictures of Li Yifeng are circulating online from today and he looks totally fine 🙂 Cnetizens are still puzzled and have mixed opinions on this issue…

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[Update 2] So here are some extra information from the agent. In the morning, he was preparing his luggage to go to Monacco and realized he forgot his passport at his parents’ house. Not wanting to bother the manager, he decided to drive himself back home and got into the accident. He came down from the car and saw that there was no human injuries and left to go contact the insurance, authority and his agent. They then saw that local workers surrounded the accident scene and not wanting to create anymore attention, he stayed away from the scene and went back home, leaving the work to the agent. He knows the consequences of a car accident and he is sorry. Good thing is that there is no health danger(didn’t hit anyone).

Full Chinese text: 关于网上报道的车祸情况,该经纪人也做了简要说明,“今天凌晨李易峰在家整理前往摩纳哥的行李,发现护照在父母家中,因为深夜不想影响大家休息,就开了车库中停放已久的兰博基尼跑车外出取护照,在家门口拐弯处不慎撞向四环下桥墩,下车查勘没有人员伤亡及公共财产损失后,致电工作人员及保险公司报案。因为有现场施工人员围观拍照,为了避免不必要麻烦,就先行回家,交由保险公司处理后续,另外表示“临时车牌的确有责任, 且并未造成财产和人员损伤,当然没有酒驾。相信李易峰人品,且勿跟风黑。

Another problem the netizen noticed was that his license plate was temporary expired. Of course, the agent accepted this reality and will look more into this sitatuation. Now, what is the cause of the accident? They say it is because of a long time no use of the car (about half a year) so Li Yifeng wasn’t familiar with the engine and his foot skidded, causing him to hit the public infrastructure.

12 thoughts on “[Update 3] Li Yifeng’s Car Gets into an Accident

  1. intellectualkitten says:

    I saw this post on weibo! From some inside source, it seems that Li Yifeng is unharmed… However, there are some questions left unanswered…


  2. visionofjm says:

    lol, so they had escaped before the authorities arrived…
    I also hope that LYF wasn’t drunk driving. He could get in a lot of trouble, and I’d lose some respect for him…


    • intellectualkitten says:

      It may just be me thinking the worse but the main reason a driver leave the scene of an accident is because he drank… Hope it is not the case here since Li Yifeng seems like a decent dude!


      • Sweetstrawberry says:

        He was not drunk and did not leave the scene. The traffic cop was there and LYF also called his insurance company and the insurance company sent some personnel to the scene. It all started when he was packing for his trip to Monaco and found out his passport was at his parents’ home. Because of the late hour he did not want to bother his assistant and decided to drive himself. The Monaco flight was 8 am and the accident happened at 3 am. If he was drunk, he wouldn’t be able to depart for his international flight.


  3. Amy Lee says:

    I’m confused. Yes, he is the owner of the car but do we know if he was the driver? His company statement says that Feng was not drunk, so can we infer that he was the driver in question? Lol is it possible that his friend was driving it? Idk. Is there CCTV footage or any red-light cameras near the bridge to show who was in the car around the time of the accident? So many questions


    • Hi! I updated the post and added the new information. 🙂 He was driving, but he was not drunk. I don’t know if there are CCTV footages, but I didn’t see any so far.
      Yeah! So many questions indeed. I am still not sure why he needed to live the scene to make his calls. I mean that is super shaddy..


  4. Rosee70 says:

    Frankly speaking, everything was explained clearly: LYF was the driver, he was not drunk, he has not driven the car for a long period, he accidently destroyed his car, no one was hurt (including him) and all the necessary people (insurance, etc) were informed. He couldn’t stay on the accident scene, he is too famous.
    Let us give him the benefit of the doubt.


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