Happy Camp Recap: Zhao Liying and William Chan, summer 2016 edition


Here comes the new recap for Happy Camp! Honestly, it was not as exciting as I expected, but there was definitely a few highlight moments. In this episode we had William Chan, Zhao Liying, Jessica Jung, Wang Ziwen and Ren Zhong.

There is a legend that mermaids need the help of men to find their humans body. We are introduced to the five beautiful mermaids of this story.

  • Jessica Jung is a cold, but beautiful eel-mermaid.
  • Wang Ziwen is a strong headed octopus-mermaid.
  • Xie Na is a the big boss shark-mermaid.
  • Zhao Liying is the fortune red fish-mermaid.
  • Wu Xin is the squid-mermaid.


At the same time, a boat of fishers arrived: He Jiong, William Chan, Ren Zhong, Weijia and Du Haitao.


The maidens will have to seduce men with their beautiful voices so they can go back to their human form. The bad news is that only four of the five beautiful ladies can be saved (He Jiong will not chose). This means, it is singing competition time! Because of Xie Na’s loud attitude, the men are discussing that they should probably eliminate her from the choices. When asking William Chan who he would rather chose, he choses number 2. I was like OMG, is that Zhao Liying you are chosing? ❤ But then, the MCs reminded him that he didn’t precise if it is from the left or the right… Which means it could also be Jessica Jung! v_v fine fine…


Through the singing competition, Jessica definitely stood out the most as she is an ex-kpop singer while as everyone else are actors/MC. Jessica’s voice is beautiful.

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Xie Na’s performance was the funniest and, in He Jiong’s opinion, an insult to the original song.


Finally, it is time to make a choice. Du Haitao choses Wuxin and Weijia choses Wang Ziwen. Then Ren Zhong choses… Zhao Liying. Next, William Chan choses Jessica Jung and.. Xie Na, after much pleading, is left alone. But it is all good because she has a strong-will and made her legs appear herself. @_@ I kind of wished a showdown between Zhao Liying and Jessica Jung, but I guess it was not meant to be. At the same time, It is also a good thing because I didn’t want to put William Chan in front of an ultimatum.

Now, the team are separated as follow. First team has Wang Ziwen, He Jiong, Xie Na, Weijia and Ren Zhong. Team two has Zhao Liying, William Chan, Jessica Jung, Du Haitao and Wuxin. The first games are survival games.

One goal was to bandage a hurt person. Team one did very well with Wang Ziwen, but team two was a mess with William Chan. Cute, but a mess. ZLY and Jessica had fun banding his whole face instead of only where it hurted and the whole team had difficulties to pull William up.

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The second survival game was to pass through a construction made of sticks and ropes, where the player must follow the path of the rope to get out of the “maze”. Du Haitao had the most difficulties, while as William Chan looked like he was flying! While William was doing his acrobaties, one fan was yelling “Da Fu Ye”, which made my Mystic Nine fan heart really happy ^^ [Edit: OMG I am so happy, apparently that fan was Zhao Liying herself!! You go girl, promote our drama like your life depends on it! 8D She was so loud *moved*]




The next game was an art testing game. In both cases, two art pieces are shown with one from a famous artist and the other being fake. In this game, Zhao Liying failed the first test because her “intuition” told her it would be the other, and in the second comparison, everyone gets it right.


Next, we are moving to the pool!! Yeah, very fit considering the theme is mermaids. The game is to run across the dangerous path prepared for them in the water and go through many obstacles as a team. I actually didn’t understand the rules and I am pretty sure they didn’t respect them either… I thought that if you fall in the water, you have to restart, but it looks like even if you fall, you can just climb back on the platform. @_@ The first team to start off the games is the HJ+XN+WZW+RZ+WJ team aka team blue. They are doing as well as they can, but they have Ren Zhong, who has a higher mass density… When this team was done, it was too late for Zhao Liying to play as she had to catch a flight. Hence, He Jiong took her place and played with the yellow team. The yellow team did a lot better than the blue team, even if they had Du Haitao. But they had a completely different obstacles set to play with so I am not sure if it is fair to compare both team’s performances. All I can say is that William Chan looked good and athletic throughout, as he fell with great balance on the platform on his first try.


ZLY pushing WC in the water here


A bit later, Jessica did a similar thing with Haitao, which made the later really happy xD

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Finally, the game ended with everyone trying to fit on the same platform and see if they can survive. This was fun and there were two highlights to it. The first is when Jessica was really scared to jump. William Chan comforted her by speaking in English and calling her Jessi. Awwnnn. The second highlight was when Du Haitao jumped and his legs got trapped onto William, making him fall in the water and himself hanging… Haha, that was funny too.



Honestly, this episode was a lot more boring than I expected it to be. With all the media attention and the anticipation of the fans, this is a serious let down. They had Zhao Liying and William Chan who are the OTP of the hour! The Mystic Nine is not even airing on HunanTV (it is airing on DragonTV for anyone curious), so the simple fact that Zhao Liying was invited shows that Hunan wanted a piece of that hot pie. So, why not take a good use of this beautiful combination? He Jiong promoted the movie I love That Crazy Little Thing multiple times, but couldn’t even name the broadcast station of the Mystic Nine because Happy Camp is a Hunan show.

I thought it was going to be awkward to see William sandwiched between his two female friends and I was totally right. I am sure he has a good relationship with both girls, but it was definitely not shown on TV. Jessica looked like she was trying really hard, but her lack of understanding of Chinese created an invisible, but strong barrier with the rest of the cast. Furthermore, considering that Liying is friend with both He Jiong and Xie Na, I felt like the production team once again did not take advantage of it. He Jiong asked for Liying’s opinion multiple times and Xie Na was holding her hand happily at the introduction part. I am also sure that there were a lot of un-aired contents which could explain Zhao Liying leaving earlier from the filming set (extra games? problems when filming? I don’t know), and hence missing the fun water games 😦 On the bright side, Wang Ziwen was super cute in this. Love her ^^

Even if the aired contents felt very aimless and didn’t have the scenes I wanted to see, there were still a few OTP moments to take advantage of. Here they are. Enjoy the (small quantity of) eye candy!

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Edit: I just wanted to say that I ranted a lot more than expected about this episode in the comment section. Thanks everyone for being understanding and thinking I am not childish. ^^ I do realize that this is all promotional tactics, but I am also happy this all ended. Hopefully, we will see more ZLY+WC scenes in the future. Here are some more BTS found by our commenter, Ezc. Thanks a lot! ❤

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Liying and Xie Na during practice.


Ending it with Zhao Liying enjoying her lunch ^^


Edit 2: Hunan released a BTS video!! Yeah! So, hum, I would say to skip up to 7:16 if you don’t want to see Jessica Sa Jiao with William Chan. Afterward, there were actually a lot of cute scenes as Zhao Liying eats and talk about how William is her male god. Also, William talks about his role in The Mystic Nine, his Chinese pronunciation, and some popular ChangSha slangs to descripe his Mystic Nine co-star. ^^

105 thoughts on “Happy Camp Recap: Zhao Liying and William Chan, summer 2016 edition

  1. maoh says:

    I was really disappointed that they didn’t use the hottest OTP of the moment, oh well. Liying had so little screen time too. Their last Happy Camp episode was so much better. I was also really happy when I heard that fan yelling Fu Ye. He really looked the part, he was by far the most athletic there.


    • Yeah exactly, sharing the OTP just doesn’t work. Am I being selfish for wanting 100% attention on them? xD
      yop, last year, it was so much more fun! This one on the other hand is one of the most boring episode I recapped AND it had Liying. 😦
      Another commenter said that the voice calling for Fu Ye is actually Zhao Liying!!! OMG, that makes me even more happy. Thanks guys for promoting the drama together even if Hunan is not willing to ❤ Definitely, what a perfect man!


      • maoh says:

        I feel the same. I didn’t want to share OTP moments. They should have promoted another time or not invite ZLY for this one. I think they used the popularity of their OTP to promote the episode but in the end they didn’t push for any interactions and ZLY was side-lined. She flew in just to film that episode and I guess she had to go back that same day, so they did her a disservice imo.
        I just read that last comment and went back to see that part again and you can see her using her mic to yell Fu Ye *rolls around* She kept shouting the whole time, I can’t believe I didn’t realize it during my first watch.


      • Exactly, at this level, why even bother inviting her if you obviously wanted her to be a side character? She couldn’t participate in any of the games properly. If she could, it was to share the CP moments with Jessica. It is just awkward for everyone. And then, they promote it saying that this is THE episode for ZLY+WC to see good stuffs. @_@ What a mess. Especially knowing she had a tight schedule, couldn’t they let her team go first? I dunno what happened behind camera, but me disapproving. It definitely took more time than needed because she had to eat on set with her swimming pool attire, showing that she stayed in that outfit for a while.
        Same! Me neither >< But then, William went to high 5 Jessica… Ahh, I should stop analyzing this episode and get over it… @_@


      • maoh says:

        same, I was too focused on the high five. The whole thing was disappointing for fans. I just hope they treat her better next time and that her promos for upcoming works will be better. We will get our otp moments from the drama bts.


      • Yop exactly. I knew we couldn’t expect Hua Qian Gu treatment this year (HQG was Hunan’s big summer drama last year and got full support), but it is still disappointing considering how much work she puts. Yop, we will seek the BTS ourselves 8D


  2. Hannah says:

    I’m also disappointed. Little interaction in comparison to their last show together. I don’t like the divided attention for Jessica.

    Now, I wish ZLY could be on for Chusen. Oh well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, sharing screen time AND man just sucks. Especially when the show is obviously trying to promote another one more (no offense, but He Jiong repeating three times the name and date of the movie while saying The Mystic Nine’s name only once fell flat for me). Jessica is still cute, but I wish she came another day with William if needed.
      I wish so too! But she is apparently too busy to do so. And with the service she got this time, I wouldn’t let her go on it again either. Hunan, she is your most profitable actress and you treat her so poorly 😦


      • Hannah says:

        It feels like ZLY was used to promote others. 😑

        I know she’s busy, but this Happy Camp sucks lol So I want her with Chusen to make up for it.

        ZLY has dramas released thus far, but she played a guest in both. It seems like there’s more to look forward to in her drama with Lu Yi.


      • Yeah, same @_@ More I think about it, more my disappointment becomes anger. Sigh, I just want to forget this episode now. Hunan used her name for their own ratings. The title of the episode was “ZLY and WC crazy CP chemistry”. Yeah, it didn’t happen beacause YOU the producer created a bad bad script that didn’t allow them to interact properly. Stop promoting like this.
        Yeah, wished she used that precious time to, I dunno, relax instead. What a sour experience for the fans.
        Hopefully, Rookie Agent Rouge she will be able to promote properly w/o going on any Hunan show. Sigh…


  3. Ezc says:

    Thanks for the recap! I also thought this episode wasn’t nearly as fun as the previous WC and ZLY Happy Camp episodes. Although they tried to create so much buzz with OTP’s names, you can clearly tell this was mostly to promote Jessica’s and WC movie rather than the Mystic Nine. They did cut out a few other OTP moments that I read on Baidu posted by those who went to see it live. Like how ZLY laughed at WC’s bandaged state and he playfully pulled/messed with her hair in retaliation and the segment where they were pouring something (testing? experiment?).. there were a few pics about that going around.

    Also. It was ZLY who cheered for WC during the rope game, not a fan. She was the one who yelled Fo Ye jia you and Chen Wei Ting jia you 🙂 She was so loud I could barely recognize her, but you can hear her voice if you pay close attention 😀 A lot of fans on site also said she did her really best cheering for him ^^


    • No problem! I mean, it had a few good moments, but it was so much worst than my (high) expectation. They promoted the dramas and the BTS pictures had been trending on weibo and social media for two weeks now. And this is what we get? Barely 10 minutes of good moments and it is mostly they are goofy together, not because the PDs planned some good games? disappointing.
      OMG, hope these good moments can appear on youtube soon because I suck at hunting on baidu xD You are giving me hope that maybe Hunan release those scenes in a later episode. For now, it is just disappointing.
      REALLY?! Now, you are making my day ❤ I thought I recognized her voice because 1) who else can yell so close to the camera, 2) who else will promote their drama together if not her and 3) because OTP, I believe in you! She went all out then because she was so loud ❤ Thanks for being awesome, Liying and William!


    • After you wrote that comment, I went back to watch that scene. I noticed that after William was done, Jessica stand up to go high five him. Just after, Liying walked away from them.. :/ Am I over analyzing it? I am sure Jessica just wanted to be good team player, but I hope Liying’s hard work at cheering for him were properly delivered. Hope she didn’t get hurt for trying so hard and getting ignored (unconsciously). ahh, what a messy episode @_@


      • Ezc says:

        (Grr.. third attempt at posting my comment..)

        Honestly, I wasn’t expecting Hunan to air many WC and LY moments in this episode since I came in knowing they were gonna push WC and Jessica together to promote their movie. Read some fan accounts beforehand so I kinda knew what to expect. To see them use OTP to promote the episode just pissed me off, and I’ve been pissed off all week, lol. But I did read that WC took good care of LY despite the mess, like beckoning her over when He Laoshi commented that LY was standing alone all by herself, explaining to her the “rules” of the rope game, and etc. Now I’m just waiting around for fancams to appear so I can get the missed OTP moments. I need my dose of OTP, more now than ever, lol.

        I re-watched the moment you mentioned and this is what I saw: https://s31.postimg.org/6tzgrfkmz/hc4.jpg (after Jess and WC high-fived). The cut where it looked like she was walking away probably occurred many minutes later, since they had to wait for Ren to finish the game and then gather the group around. I’m sure they had time to interact while waiting, it probably just wasn’t shown. She seemed to be her smiley self even after so I think it’s all good 🙂

        Here is another OTP moment to cheer you up! 😀 (not sure if you’ve seen it)

        https://s31.postimg.org/t2nntf8t7/hc3.jpg (Big Lun, WC’s manager joining the fun!)

        Btw, Liying was absolutely gorgeous in this episode!


      • (sorry about that! WordPress, the blogging platform, doesn’t let a post be shared automatically if there are too many links and will wait for a moderator like me to do so.. I kept the most recent comment since they were all similar ^^)
        Haha, I was actually in a good mood before watching so I got mad real quick too. xD Was I too optimist?
        Awwn, William is a sweetheart. Honestly, I feel like he is one of the big victim of the night. He worked so hard for all the games, but also had to share his chemistry fairy dust with both girls and… it all ended up really awkward. He looked he was more genuine with Liying, but then again, it is not if he and Jessica are not close. Poor puppy didn’t know what to do the whole day @_@ At least he tried to help Liying as much as he can, whenever needed. Hope to see fancams appear on youtube soon!
        Hope you are right! I know she was probably too shy to stand next to Jessica and high five him too, but I wished to see her being recognized for her AMAZING cheerleading skills xD The girl is so strong, I would have been pissed off by then. But she was her playful self even during the water games (which she didn’t have to play in!)
        Thanks so much for these pictures!! You are making me so happy ^^ I know I am being immature now so thanks for the cheerful thoughts.


      • Ezc says:

        (Got it! Will keep that in mind for next time!)

        I don’t blame your for being optimistic, a lot of people were. Saw a bunch of angry/disappointed Weibo posts about the episode, it created fanwars too, lol. Can’t say the promo tactic didn’t work though, I believe that episode ranked #1 nationwide, and it broke a few records as well.

        Haha, yes, her cheerleading skills were exceptional that day! She even stole Na Na’s mic to chant her cheers XD

        You’re welcome, I’m more than happy to spread the joy! ❤


      • Yeah, exactly. It was trending right below the HuaXin wedding, which is really impressive because Happy Camp wasn’t trending much this year (it is a decade year show after all).
        Haha, gotta love Liying and Na Na’s friendship ❤
        Awwnn, thanks again!


  4. Ann says:

    I loved the last episode of ZLY + WC, but this one was just so disappointing. First of all, I really don’t like how Happy Camp always promotes Korean actors over Chinese ones even when they are as popular/famous as ZLY. I mean, c’mon, ZLY + WC is probably the main reason people are watching this episode. They were used to promote this episode, yet their moments weren’t even shown. It was clear from the pictures they interacted, yet we hardly saw any OTP moments. So annoyed. I really don’t know much about Jessica, but from what I read, she’s not even the female lead in that movie. She’s the second female lead whose WC’s ex-gf and Tang Yi Xin is the first female lead. So, if anything, it should be Tang Yi Xin who appears. Also, Tang Yi Xin is a more known name in C-entertainment. This is the first I’ve heard of Jessica Jung. Even though she’s a singer, after reading about her, her first album didn’t even chart in China so I am baffled as to why she’s being promoted over deserving Chinese actresses. It’s almost ridiculous because I don’t think Chinese actresses would receive this preferential treatment in Korea. Right now, ZLY is the hottest C-actress and WC the hottest the C-actor, so the fact that they didn’t even focus on this CP, which everyone seems to care about, is crazy to me!! I may be biased, but I don’t want the screentime shared either ><"

    Also, from first glance, I can tell Jessica had plastic surgery. It's too obvious because her nose is too small for her face and her eyes are unnaturally widened. I don't like the idea of telling girls that they have to look like dolls to be considered beautiful or attractive to men. It also bothers me when actresses look too fake/have ps because it almost always means they can't emote :\

    I'm probably just bitter. Because I think they had to have known when Li Ying's flight was. She was there for the whole day, couldn't they have filmed her team in the water a little earlier?! She was even there for the other team's part. It's almost unfair that she took time out of her busy schedule to come all the way to Changsha to film, yet she wasn't even given as much screentime as Jessica. I'm sorry, but using her to promote Happy Camp, but not even really showing her on Happy Camp?? What is Hunan TV thinking!! Is Jessica popular in China? Because even Wang Zi Wen wasn't given much screentime. So disappointing overall 😦


    • Yo, girl I was disappointed first, but now, I am fuming in anger!! I read a few comments on youtube and on weibo and let me tell you, nearly everyone is mad at Hunan for that horrible editing!! It made no sense at all. They promoted the episode by promising OTP moments and putting their names on the title. They had been releasing BTS pictures for weeks now! I was sure she would at least get half screen-time (the other half with Jessica). Worst come to worst, introduce the two ladies seperately and give each one a segment to play properly. Second, why the hell is Jessica promoted as the lead of that movie? As you said, Tang Yixin worked so much harder for that movie and she is a lot more fun (also she did two projects with Liying in the past so it would not be awkward to invite her). Jessica was the flower vase in That Crazy Little Thing so no need to promote her like a top star, gosh. Chemistry wise, nobody can deny Liying and William’s chemistry. The pictures above show that they do talk to each other and are genuine in their interactions. Is it too hard to give them some screen time instead of leaving the fans hunting for the screenshots?? I know Liying likes to come on Happy Camp and worked hard on this episode, but this was so NOT worth it. She got nearly 0 screentime for any games or had to share the screen with Jessica each time. >_< WTF? Finally, how can they be so bad at scheduling when the girl obviously had a tight schedule herself? Why let her waste time watching the other team play and then not even giving her the time to say bye to the audience??? Grr, so mad.
      I don't care about Jessica's popularity in China and I am sure she is a nice person. But this special treatment toward anything Korean needs to stop.

      This sucks because Saturday was supposed to start a great week of ZLY (Zhu Xian release, Old Nine Gates, etc), but now, I feel so tired and unmotivated.


      • Ann says:

        Wish I could read Chinese. I was thinking it was just me that’s mad. I took time out of my day just to watch ZLY (and the OTP) and was left so upset by it all. It’s not just Happy Camp’s problem because even the movie posters feature WC + Jessica. I’m just looking at it now. It’s so unfair for Tang Yi Xin too. The Hallyu wave is annoying because I’m sure if China spent time promoting C-actors, they would be as famous too. As if the dubbing isn’t bad enough in dramas. Honestly, if she was a top star, I don’t think Happy Camp would have had needed to promote the episode using ZLY. It just sucks! ZLY could’ve gone to WH + RL’s wedding or attended Happy Camp with the Zhu Xian cast instead using that time. They clearly sidelined her, did they think her fans wouldn’t notice??!

        Don’t be unmotivated!! Still so much to look forward to 🙂

        I expect great things from Zhu Xian, crossing my fingers it will live up to the hype!


      • Thanks 🙂 I will just go to sleep and forget this whole mess ^^ Anticipation post for Zhu Xian coming out soon too, so we can really leave Happy Camp behind.
        Yeah, I didn’t know Tang Yixin was the lead until they held the press conference and she and William had a lot of pictures taken together. Poor girl too.


    • Sadly, nothing out yet. (although you aren’t missing much). They are normally uploaded on youtube by nice fans, but I feel like this time, people may just want to forget it…


  5. Jo says:

    This was a horrible idea, I don’t who thought putting otps together like this was a good odea and they didn’t capitalize on Mystic Nine like whatttt though I love Jessica the whole setup was just not right. I personally would like to see a show with both Jess and ZLY I think they would tag team and play tricks on everyone😂😂


    • I was looking and apparently, both He Jiong and Du Haitoa were guest stars for That Crazy Little Thing. So I guess Hunan was one of the sponsor/producer of the movie and hence, wanted to put more attention to the say movie? Either way, it is sooo stupid and I just feel bad for Liying. Jessica and Liying could have a few good moments together, but they started the show wrong by putting them against each other. Yeah, what a mess.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Annie says:

    I waited all week for this?! Waaaahhhhh!!!

    Let’s think positive thoughts. Maybe Hunan will produce a really good drama that stars our current favourite OTP and then invite them back on Happy Camp AND give them lots of good material (shippable moments) to work with. Or…just wait for Chusen.

    But William looks good. 🙂


    • Yeah… Thing Yoga, Peace and Positve thoughts. Fuuuuu
      Haha, I don’t think so. I would rather she don’t appear on Happy Camp for a while. Hunan doesn’t deserve her! On the other hand, wish DragonTV had a good variety show where she could go to guest with the whole Mystic Nine cast. v_v
      Yeah, William was perfect and handsome in the episode. ❤


  7. Paige says:

    Fail by HNTV. Hope that they don’t mess up Tao’s episode, I have been waiting for him to come on since July. Now that he can finally film, pls give him some screen time TV gods


  8. Hannah says:

    I thought Jessica was trying too hard. It was awkward to have her on the show. There were pauses here and there for her translator. I also noticed she bumped that guy into the water like ZLY did it to WC.


    • Yeah, this happens each time with Korean actors coming. The translation is never perfect so it looks quite broken. She tried her best, but I found it hard to like her appearance. Yeah, she did it to Du Haitao too and luckly, Haitao played it off nicely. I mean, she isn’t even close to him to do that… It felt a bit like she just wanted to make a joke, which fell flat for me.


  9. Lizzie says:

    OMG – totally the same feeling I got when I watched it! I never watch variety shows but decided to do this for ZLY-WC sake and her recent BTS was so cute. My observations:-

    1. WC just looked totally awkward. Very unlike himself even when he goes on other variety shows (yes, I keep seeing excerpts of him on YouTube after I started my Mystic Nine obsession!). He literally looked like he did not know what to do and I noticed that he didn’t even laugh very much. Not just with ZLY but with anyone else. I didn’t realise that it was edited so poorly and after seeing the fan video of him playfully swiping ZLY (that experiment thingy), it’s clear that malicious hands are at work! WC is his usual self but it has been edited!! This ep seems like they were trying to force a reaction from ZLY by shoving WC to Jessica but my guess is that it didn’t work as ZLY by nature is quite passive in these sort of events and between them, she usually reacts to WC and is not the initiator. Because no big drama happened, they edited it in favor of WC and Jessica making WC look awkward as I really don’t think WC is that great an actor and he can’t exactly manufacture chemistry!

    2. I did notice that WC always stands nearer to ZLY despite him constantly being sandwiched between her and Jessica. To fill the void left by mystic nine for other days of the week, I even saw the episode of Chef Nic where ZLY guested (s2 ep7) if anyone interested 🙂 and even though the show did not show much of the two of them interacting with each other
    (Unlike during the LoZ press conferences and earlier Happy Camp) since WC is not the lead, their chemistry is still undeniable esp the close standing to each other.

    3. I saw some press conferences of WC with Tang Yixin (the actual lead actress of his movie!!) and Jessica and while he was friendly definitely none of that boyish charm he demonstrates with ZLY. Yes I actually watched them to compare against his chemistry with ZLY – total fangirling.

    4. I can’t read Chinese fluently (although can understand the spoken word) and did not know that HC was advertising WC and ZLY as the main item – if so, total disservice to the fans.

    5. I don’t follow k-pop so no idea who Jessica is but I already don’t like her. And it’s because she pushed the other guy in after ZLY pushed WC in. Why??? So fake!!! Also when she said she was scared to jump in the water, I mean – that’s just total overly Sa Jiao! Totally agree w comments above that Korean stars are over promoted in China. I started to get an inkling of this ridiculousness with Yoona in that show with LGX.

    6. Anybody saw that BTS clip of Mystic Nine where Lay accused ZLY and WC of laughing non stop? Too cute.

    7. I think Happy Camp is taped in advance so it’s not on the same day as WH’s wedding 🙂

    8. I think ZLY is okay – she was cheerful in her interview excerpt where she was eating and if she wasn’t close to WC, she wouldn’t have said that!


    • Ann says:

      I thought it was just me who thought Korean stars are over-promoted on Chinese shows?

      I just meant that if ZLY didn’t have to fly in and film HC, she could’ve had time to go to WH’s wedding or film with the ZX cast instead. This was such a waste of her time

      I’m not into K-pop either so never heard of her, but I did do some reading on her after watching this. And she was a member of Girls’ Generation, but got voted out by the other 12 members a few years back. Jessica also has a confirmed boyfriend who dated Gillian Chung from Twins before her, they are still dating so I feel a little better 🙂


      • Lizzie says:

        True that – would have been nice to see her with LYF and YZ ! I am still allergic to LYF so will wait for some comments from everyone here before starting!

        After seeing EZC pictures, I rewatched the some parts of Happy camp and it’s clear – WC and ZLY had a lot more interactions that were cut. Prior to the water games starting, they were talking to each other in a very friendly way and he was looking at her most of the time too! Even after she pushed him, they were sitting together until she had to leave. Why leave all these out!!!

        Jessica plays with her hair too much and in the water games (I skipped it the first time as ZLY had left by then) she was clinging on to WC at some parts. Their chemistry is :- WC (platonic) and Jessica (Sa Jiao) !! Being totally objective here but WC doesn’t look at her the way he looks at ZLY.
        If Jessica is dating someone, then she is really good at Sa Jiao 🙂


      • Ann says:

        Personally, I don’t like LYF’s acting either. I’m not a big fan of YZ either.. I also don’t think her looks suit period clothing at all, but I’ll give ZX a chance 🙂

        It’s upsetting, but what can we do… as long as they are still good friends, I’m happy!

        I also didn’t really like Jessica from this show, but can’t judge how she is in real life. She may be acting that way to promote the movie, who even knows? Since there is a huge language barrier, I didn’t think WC was actually close with her. And in that movie, her role isn’t big, so they likely didn’t film together for very long/have much interaction anyway. I felt the awkwardness when I watched 😐

        She was still with her boyfriend as of 11 days ago LOL (http://www.ibtimes.co.in/jessica-jung-tyler-kwons-marriage-plans-revealed-couple-get-married-soon-687290#iOqDbkSvDx6ojlHX.97


    • jolin_chan says:

      I never compare WC interaction with his other female costar on presscon, but I always felt that WC and LY had great chemistry, so I’m sooo happy to read your analysis 😀
      Too bad LY already has BF.
      But who knows, after WH and RL finally become a couple and married (I used to ship them way back on their Sound of Colors days), maybe WC and LY some day will become a couple? 😀 – total fangirling mode too here
      Well at least I’m hoping they gonna have a new collab soon and get a lot of OTP moments there, 3rd times a charm, right? 😀


    • 1. totally understandable. They put our Fo Ye on the spot like that. A nice dude like him of course doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. It was so unnecessary. I, among many, feel like WC wanted to chose Liying, but was forced to chose Jessica by the producer. Else, he wouldn’t look so awkward when doing so. It was so awkward that Xie Na started right away her “pityful dance” for not being chosen, instead of concentrating on William’s choice. William has great chemistry with most of his leads, but I just wasn’t shipping him with Jessica that day. 😛 Either way, it sucks that they edited our OTP to look like they don’t like each other or are not close compared to say, WC+Jessica.
      2. Same!! That is the true body language. They tried to stay closer together on screen. I believe it is their own way to promote their drama. :3 Chef Nic was a bit boring when I watched it last year, but I remember our OTP was having fun together and joking around! By the way, Nicholas Tse is also a guest on That Crazy Little Thing, but they only focused on Jessica for the promotional phase. Bias toward Koreans again, tsss…
      3. Haha, they are actually close because William Chan and Tang Yixin did a drama together that aired at the beginning of this year ^^
      4. Yes, the title was something like “Zhao Liying and William chan are coming on Happy Camp to deliver candies (aka there were supposed to be a lot of sweet moments). =_=
      5. Yeah, I find a lot of Korean girls like to Sa Jiao aka doing aegyo. I am not a fan of that, but I guess it is popular in other culture… Yeah, I wish Koreans could be at least treated like equals.
      6. Yes I did!! Saved it for the nice recap post 8D
      8. Hopefully, all I want is to see her happy!


    • maoh says:

      I actually saw an article today talking about how WC usually closes his hand when touching his female co-stars in pics, etc but he is always grabbing ZLY without any awkwardness just comes normal. I think we all like this couple too much ^^


      • Any of their interactions make me so happy. They had been working together for more than a year now so they are getting really close ❤ Yop, this couple is perfection. Can't wait to see the episode when they kiss


  10. jolin_chan says:

    Hi all, never write a comment here before, just a silent reader, but this whole HC’s promotion using the hot OTP right now but just to bait us without really give us the big fish is enough to make me break my silence 😛

    I actually wanted to watch that episode of HC live stream but somehow the usual link is not working, so I’ve been waiting for the official HNTV YT channel to upload the episode (like they always did after they aired it on tv), but luckily I read this recap first. I’m still gonna watch the episode though because I’ve been shipping WC and ZLY since their LoZ’s days, but thank you again for this recap and comments so I can prepare my heart beforehand for the dissapointment for lack of OTP’s moments.
    I also feel sooo happy that in this blog a lot of people like FY and XY moments, so I’m not alone at last 😀

    I also want to clarify some info about Jessica, I’m not her fan though, but I know a bit, she originally was the member of Girl’s Generation (SNSD) since their debut day, they consist of 9 members (one of them is also Yoona who promote God of War Zhou Yun with LGX on HC few months ago), but she got cut off from the group I think sometime in 2014.

    And last but not least, I have to comment at LY push WC to the water. I think it’s payback time from LY to WC because on their last HC (when they came to promote LoZ) WC pouring water at the unprepared and unfocused LY and took her by surprise, anybody remember this part? And LY’s attempt to pour water back to the willing WC back then was failed miserably LOL. I think LY been waiting to ‘get revenge’ to WC since then and finally she got her chance 😀
    Loveeee this so much.


    • Haha, there are always good things coming out of bad situation xD Hi there!
      I am one of those who got super excited and watched directly on MangoTV. I didn’t know at first if my fangirl eyes/heart is playing with me, but I am now 100% sure that it was just plain mistreatment of the guests. What a shame! Haha definitely not. FY+XY is the most popular OTP right now in my opinion and there are a lot of fans in China and abroad who agrees. ^^
      Yeah that is what I read too. But I will just classify her as a Korean wanting to make money in China. She has been media playing about her good friendships with Kris Wu and William Chan for such a long time, so I don’t feel like she is doing much individually.
      Haha, that would be so cute if it is true! Waited the whole year for her revenge. I noticed how William wasn’t even mad at her for doing this so it ended up being a funny joke for everyone. Liying is so cute!!


  11. yoyo says:

    he jiong mention, before the beginning of the water game, that liying had to leave because she had to go back to filming i believe


  12. Ezc says:

    Speaking of OTP’s chemistry, did you guys know that Fo Ye’s and XY’s scenes in Gates are pretty much written by WC and LY themselves? The director of Gates (or was it the scriptwriter/producer?) said that he only wrote the scenario for their first meeting and outlines for their important milestones, but OTP themselves filled in the blanks in terms of script and content of their scenes. LY also mentioned in an interview that they were free to decide the direction of Fo Ye’s and XY’s relationship based on their perception of their own characters. So they pretty much discuss among themselves and act it out right on set. So yeah, the awesome scenes that everyone’s been gushing and spazzing about are mostly the ideas of WC and LY 😀


    • maoh says:

      OMG! This made me so happy and impressed. I love it even more now. Thank you for sharing this info. No wonder every scene is perfect. I really hope they keep working together in the future bc their chemistry is off this world.


    • 8DDDD Really?!! That is awesome! They probably did all the scenes they couldn’t do during the Legend of Zu period. Especially considering that they already started to add their own OTP scenes during LofZ. Hehe.
      Sounds like they have an amazing relationship and aren’t shy to try out stuff, to the pleasure of us fans!


    • Hannah says:

      Whoa…I read that the director was familiar with ZLY, so he gave her free rein. I didn’t know it was to that extent lol

      Looking forward to more of FY and XY!


  13. Lizzie says:

    No need for apologies Archidisign ! It’s your blog so feel free to vent / rant / praise as much as you want to. It’s also well written, thoughtful and fun to read so I am sure many of us here want to say thank you to you instead 🙂

    There is another Mystic Nine BTS video where Lay just laughs at them – my inferior IT skills means I don’t know how to insert it here. Any pointers? It’s really funny 🙂

    If you watched that ep of Chief Nic , did you notice that they both were wearing one each of a pair of earrings in the first game where they were trying to feed Nic Tse? They removed it subsequently though – yes, my fan girl eyes are sharp that way 🙂

    Jolin Chan – I totally agree with your analysis on why ZLY pushed WC into the water. Which annoyed me as to why Jessice pushed Hai Tang into the water – no reason except for aegyo ! (Learnt a new word today!!) you should totally watch this episode to catch all the OTP interactions (the hidden or edited ones of course) and fume at the obvious Jessica / WC shoved together ones!! 🙂

    BTW, I wanted to say that when WC had to choose the mermaid to save – he said No.2 which is actually Jessice as No.1 is WZW. Which was after He Teacher gave the humongous hint that sometimes we all get struck by that crazy little thing called Love (the title of that movie between William and Jessica) when WC asked can’t we not save anyone at all? They all look fine standing there. After WC said No.2 which led to the customary ooohs I.e. He made his choice, he then said “but ah, I never said no.2 from which end…” Which means it could be ZLY as she was no.2 from the other side (as she was next to the No.5) . So clever our boy WC 🙂 it maybe scripted but i was glad that it was left ambiguous and he didn’t choose Jessica!

    Also, after that other guest chose ZLY, WC look was like “huh?” He then only proceeded to pick Jessica in the most friend zone manner because clearly Na Jie was meant to be left on the shelf!

    EZC – thanks for that tidbit on WC/ZLY scenes in Mystic Nine. In that BTS clip I saw (will find a way to link/post it here), you can here the director asking WC to stop teasing ZLY so they can continue filming. 🙂

    Ps, in the timeZone I am in, it’s still very early and my husband is asking me what the freak am I doing typing away so furiously…. 🙂 fan-girling!!!!


    • Thanks for your kind words! Haha, sometime, I feel like I am dictating my thoughts on the readers. I like to share my opinion and I love that people agree with me, but I am also worried that I am imposing my opinion on the nice readers ^^’ Welcome!
      Are you talking about the train scene? Because that was the video I was referring to. Lay is such a cutie and he is also so lucky to see OTP up close like that.
      No, I never noticed!! Do you think they used to date? I don’t think so and I actually wish they didn’t. They have such a beautiful friendship that it would be a shame if it turned into a feud later on. They can’t be dating now because Liying has a boyfriend.
      Same, if he said Jessica right there, then I would be really sad/mad. I forgot the girls were numbered and considering how I normally count from left to right, I was sure 2 meant Liying, oh well!
      Haha, yeah, didn’t expect Ren Zhong to chose Liying. That big dummy xD I was actually hoping for He Jiong to chose Liying if all fails. ><
      About that video, that director is a total jerk =_=
      HAHAHAHA, what a nice way to start the day!! Fangirling forever and always ~~


      • jolin_chan says:

        @Lizzie I remember that earrings! I jumped happily at that small moments of WC-LY back then 😀 , because the rest of the episode I also think they didn’t interact much.
        The earrings was worn by LY at first when she first show up as a ‘not so successful’ tour guide 😀 , but later on, WC wear one of the pair, so LY left with the other one 😀

        @archidisign thank you for the warm welcome 😀
        I don’t think they used to date though.
        I always wonder how close they really are when I watched the LoZ BTS, the Anhui Award BTS, etc but seeing that they still close at this newest HC make me rest assure of their real closeness and great chemistry onscreen. ( ok, fangirling mode again, sorry 😛 )

        The train scene is hilarious. On that scene, there’s a flash moment where WC seems to hold back laughter as much as he can while maintaining FY’s cool aura, now I know who the culprit behind those hold back laughter LOL


      • 8D a pleasure.
        Yeah, me neither. Oh well, whatever happens, will be supporting both of them and their career, I just love them so much ^^
        Yeah, their chemistry and friendship is 100% real. 😛 Fangirl mode on 100% on all day, every day!


      • Lizzie says:

        Even if they wanted WC to pick Jessica, am sure he wouldn’t 🙂 in any case, Hunan only did those corny love thingies ok WC when ZLY was singing. (Even if it was a bit off-key) and not when Jessica was singing. There is only so much blatant Jessica-WC promotion they can do without completely offending the entire ZLY-WC fandom!!

        My 2 cents in ZLY and WC IRL? I don’t think they have ever dated and like you, I think that’s good. WC just got out of a 5 year relationship and it seems like he is focusing on his career. If they were, ZLY would be branded third party (there were already rumors circulating that she was the cause of his break-up so it wouldn’t be good for her considering how fast her career is ascending). I however do not quite think ZLY relationship is gonna last (if they ever are in one). I mean, people can date and not be in a relationship right? She is 29/30!!

        I feel that their offscreen chemistry is strong – not surprised if there are some feelings there but not acted upon. I saw a recent interview with ZLY and she really doesn’t speak that much. I think WC himself (in the recent HC BTS) says that she is a slow burn character – So her interacting with him seems genuinely happy. Friends With Potential – that’s what I would call them 🙂


      • Haha, yeah, cause Fo Ye cannot go against his feelings! He is a rightful person who knows not to lie 8D Yeah, Hunan cannot offend us all or they will never see the end of this 3:)
        WC is working really hard on his career now and I would also love that when he calms down, he goes back to Charlene Choi. They are a cute couple too ^^
        ZLY is very private with her life so for her to not mind being caught with her boyfriend, maybe it is serious? 29/30 is still young, but I also fear that she is under pressure to get married since EVERYONE else is. Of course, we have to match Hu Ge up first before pressing cutie Liying ❤
        Yeah! Zhao Liying (for promotional reasons maybe) said that William Chan is his male god. 😛 It would be cool if it is true. Also, William, you better treat such a nice girl well!


  14. I’m getting sick of seeing K-pop idols in Chinese shows. I feel like they got more favorable than Chinese cele. They’re over promoting in China. I really wonder why k-pop idols can get the leading role in Chinese drama/movie as they can’t even speak Chinese? I think it becomes a trend.

    Are k-pop idols so popular in China? I saw they were treated nicer than Chinese cele in the shows. The news of K-pop idols getting the leading role in Chinese drama/movie almost appears everyday. Even I’m not Chinese but I think China should be more careful about this. I mean they don’t even speak your language and you still cast them as the main lead rather than cast your own talent cele.

    I wish someday China will ban those idols.


    • Yeah, it became especially mainstream during the last year. Not a fan either. I guess it is to catch international fans attention? And of course, there is still a fair number of people in China in love with the whole Korean culture. I like listening to their music, but letting them mingle with my OTPs is a no no…
      Only on Happy Camp I feel. Other variety shows barely invite Korean celebrities and if they do, it is not like they really help the ratings (the exception can be Run Brother, which invited Running Man and Song Jongki this year). Same, I just boycott most Korean starred dramas. I gave them a few tries before, but they mostly became misses. I feel like if we give them a bit less attention, then maybe the trend can slow down..


    • Lizzie says:

      in true fangirl style, i just went to rewatch the HC BTS clip between WC and Jessica as a comparison. Definitely more physical contact from Jessica to WC than the other way around! 🙂 WC is definitely more physically affectionate with ZLY (not in a smarmy or lecherous way yucks!) but in a cant-help-myself-lets-close-the-gap-between-us kinda way. ZLY is also more animated around him and less reserved. Ah, never knew shipping could be so fun!!


      • Ezc says:

        My shipping heart wholly agrees 😀 She is definitely more playful around him and he just can’t seem to stop teasing her and waiting for her reaction. She laughs at most of the things he does, and I guess it feeds his male ego in a way, lol. She was most relaxed during LoZ promo days, even going on stage seemingly unprepared with candy in her mouth AND playing around with WC on the side, lol. She relied on WC and Papa Wu to help her with the questions if/when she didn’t know what to say, so I guess that’s why she seemed more comfortable during that period. Compared to the recent press conference she had with the Zhu Xian cast, she was a lot more reserved there.


      • Ezc says:

        Can’t wait for your recap, Archi ❤ There are a few more gifs on Weibo for you to collect 🙂 Too bad it was difficult to hear what they were talking about in the actual BTS video, but someone said that in one of those moments, he was telling LY reasons why XY should continue fawning over Fo Ye, hahah.


      • >_< OMG!! This is awesome.. Why I need to go to work when I can just pass the whole day stanning Liying on weibo.. Sad sad!
        Haha, then I will assume this is what he said! 😉


  15. Pooh says:

    I know it’s a litlle bit too late for my comment but agree with all of you I feell very disspointed with this happy camp episode ..after watch them in previous happy camp when they promoted legend of zu (eventhough I don’t understand chinesse and only based on they action)then watch this one..goshh what an awkward situation they have especially WC he look like “what should I do” ..anyway would you pls tell me, what is WC said at the last in secret garden happy camp cause there is a picture of married certificate which make me eager to know..thank you


    • Yeah, exactly. The most awkward episode for me, especially considering all the stupid promotion for it…
      I went back to the Secret Garden and didn’t see any wedding certificate. The last game was William Chan and MC talking about Changsha expressions/slangs. The last expression was a complimnent to Zhao Liying saying she is very pretty. Tell me the time if this is not what you are talking about xD


      • Pooh says:

        First I wanna thank you for your blog cause your blog help me to know more about chinesse entertainment especially Zhao Li ying 😊😊
        Perhaps not wedding certificate but passport or something like that..hmm…


      • Welcome ❤ Haha, that is exactly the goal 8D
        Even passport… I don't remember any @_@ Sorry if I missed it. Maybe someone else remember? Else, tell me at exactly what time you saw that and I will relook ^^


    • Lizzie says:

      It’s not a passport but a certificate that says WC passed in speaking he Changsha dialect. Can’t read the exact words on the red document but that’s what it indicates 🙂


  16. jolin_chan says:

    Awww, such a cute GIFs, thank youuu. Those GIFs can satisfy my need of weekly dose of FY-XY 😀
    Feel a bit sad after watching a glimpse of this week episodes of LJM, need moreee OTP moments asap, judging from the preview hopefully next week will be better?


    • First, love that first song! ❤
      Second, thanks for sharing!! This is great! There are so many BTS moments of this couple that the compilation is so long. They are truly a special and perfect pair. ❤


  17. maoh says:

    Nicky Wu is making a second season for Legend of Zu and I think ZLY will do it. I dont know their last weibo posts are pretty similar. So possibly WC/ZLY will be back for a third drama. As much as I hated the mess that was Legend of Zu, ZLY did look super pretty and OTP has chemistry (even if I didnt feel it on screen). At least, I think she would be really happy during filming.


    • Lizzie says:

      I hope WC’s acting would have improved then! I tried LOZ but couldn’t get past first episode as NW looked way too old for the younger say flashback and everything was just way too bright for me. Reading comments here that LYF in Chusen is better than WC in LOZ makes me glad that I didn’t continue with LOZ!


      • maoh says:

        lol yes I do hope his acting is better. I actually think he is doing a really good job in The Mystic Nine. They just need to #1 fix his hairstyle and #2 get a better plot, then I feel like most problems would work themselves out. I watched LoZ just for the OTP, skipping a lot tbh. The plot was really lacking and WC honestly was horrible. I thought ZLY and the guy that liked her hard carried the whole show. The cast did seem pretty happy together all the time so it was probably a really good working environment.


      • Lizzie says:

        WC has that HK tendency to mug it for the camera when portraying a cheerful, happy, evil (extroverted basically) role – case in point, his cringing over acting in The Four. He was better in the Sword Of Legends and Legend of Fragrance where his roles are more subdued. And yes that very strange hairdo in LOZ – even NW’s – very bird nest like !!


      • maoh says:

        yes that is it. He does this angry face, where he looks possessed idk super cringe. Then the rest of the scenes he had this blank look, it was bad. I am glad he toned it down for The Mystic Nine, I only saw a glimpse of it during a fight scene. He fits Fo Ye type of roles so much better. I guess only time will tell with LoZ since right now fans are just speculating.


    • WOW, that would be… unexpected? I was sure she would not come back for season 2, but then again, this girl tends to pick every project thrown at her. Especially if Nicky Wu asked her personally. Oh well, he better bring in a better script and some more interesting characters and costumes. I definitely see a lot of improvement can be done from the seaon 1. If William Chan comes back and they do their third drama together, I am at least sure the chemistry will be off the chart!


      • maoh says:

        yeah, idk either. I was going off their last weibo posts which look pretty similar. And NW mentioned LoZ season 2 so some people want a repeat of the hottest OTP at the moment. I was hoping to see them again in another drama, but LoZ was such a mess. I do think if she comes back it would be for her relationship with the cast/Nicky, etc.


      • Yeah, the second season of LofZ is definitely happening. But I wonder if it can sell well if they can’t bring back ZLY+WC as a couple. I will probably not watch either way since I didn’t like season one. However, I will definitely hunt the BTS if they film it ^^


    • As far as I am concerned, I hope so ^^ I mean, if she is in love with him, I hope they didn’t break up yet! But since they never officially announced their relationship, we will never really get a break up announcement either..


  18. OMG why i know this thread too late? If i know earlier can come to chat a lot with all of you here 😅 Same with you guys im very very upset w this HC eps since many sweet moments of our OTP was cut….grrr . Btw LY was sick on that day so she didnt talk much as well as joining the pool game, not fault of producer ☺ Ah everyone feel bad when WC hi-5 with Jessica while our LY cheer hard for him right? Acttually that is Jessica gave her hand first , it’s too impolite if he didnt respond to her, i think so…but notice afterthat immediately WC and LY looking at each other and smiling so sweet OMG, this moment very fast u must watch at slow motion to catch LOL Though this eps is a mess but also u can find something for our OTP, i found many 😛 Tbh, i alway saw the way WC looking at LY is different to other his female costar, an affectionate gaze, i dont think they are in relationship now but im sure they are very close in real life… LY in an interview said that she and WC understand each other very well, actually she reject to play in LJM since she dont like that kind of character but she saw Weiting then say “OK” hahhaa One more thing, i realize that both WC and LY never say that “we are only good friend or etc” so who know what happen in future, i still keep my fangirl thinking LOL 😄😄


    • Lizzie says:

      It’s never too late! We also fan girl exceedingly on the mystic nine recap posts 🙂 agree with you that WC looks at ZLY quite differently from other female co stars. Quite apparent at this recent HC episode that although they are not together , he looks at her a lot!


    • Haha, you should! Venting out all my frustration on that episode felt really good! :3
      Yeah, good thing we have sharp eyes fangirls and fast cameramen to take pictures of the BTS! Yeah, to see Jessica go upfront made me feel sad when I rewatched the episode and noticed it. However, as you pointed out, the main people don’t look mad and had lots of cute moments to make out for it. So, I will be forgiving to that moment :3
      Yeah! Saw that interview! She is so cute and so willing to play his fangirl >< They are good friends off the show too so hopefully they are in talk for something else again! Yeah, at least they are not denying a possible relationship. Someone mentionned that Liying is single now, and if it is true, then I willingly let these two dates with all my heart ❤


  19. Yeah @Lizzie agree and i saw many times he taking a peep at her, for ex when everyone is laughing at XN song dunno why he turn to look at LY( the eagle is LY must be) then immediatly turn look back to XN again, my thinking is he know LY was sick and just can’t stop looking at her to know if she still fine or happy on the set …aiya my delulu mode hahaha


    • Lizzie says:

      I didn’t notice that! Maybe if there is a fan cam released, will see more details. I did notice that WC was buying time to rescue Jessica after Ren Zhong rescued ZLY. He asked HJ wouldnt HJ need to rescue someone to which HJ said he can withhold the right to choose and only then did HJ effectively led WC to “rescue” Jessica . Poor WC


  20. Actually im a bit fine with the rescue part, at least WC didnt talk out his chose but just the producer/ HJ let him choose Jessica, addition he just can’t stop looking at LY and awkwark to shake his body around LoL, i feel poor him too…i think he and Jessica are friend in real life but when staying with two girls, totally he is more torward LY….then we can do our analysis😀


  21. @archidisign yes it’s LY herself announced that she is single, so we will bless for possibility these two to date in real 😍

    Yah indeed she doesn’t care to show she is fangirling of him, even said he is her male God, how adorable LOL .

    I’m sure she was very happy during HC filming and our OTP don’t mad/sad at each other, proof is when WC update his weibo to lament he tired and need to energize, just 5 minutes after LY come to comment “phew phew phew…” (An action of blowing) OMG why are they so cute 😭 but not just stop at that, we all see the change profile picture of WC then, just make me explode OMG my shipper heart 😱😭


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