Entertainment Update: Whirlwind Girl 2, LOCH, Flying Daggers, Blind Date


Hehe, felt like putting a refreshing picture at the top today. It is so hot!! *_* Is everyone surviving alright at the summer? This entertainment has tone of goodies and beautiful stills that got released. Enjoy! :3 Continue reading

Entertainment Update: Summe Desire, So Young, The Rhapsody of a Summer Dream, She Is Beautiful


A new entertainment update with more modern drama/movie news! What a fresh breath from the usual heavy stills 😉 Continue reading

Entertainment Update: Challenger Alliance, Crazy Little World Called Love, Love Me, Gui Zhong Mei Ren


So much news! Ah lala, a lot of stills and press conferences to catch up on… Continue reading

Entertainment Update: Love is More Than a Word, Sword Master, My Fair Lady


Isn’t this a gorgeous poster? Even though showed no interest toward this project in the past, it is now on my list of must watch movies of 2016 😛 Happy new Entertainment Update day ^^

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