[Anticipation Post] Never Gone with Liu Yifei and Kris Wu


If you read all our entertainment news, then you probably saw all the trailers and posters in this post! But if you LOVE Kris Wu and Liu Yifei… then this article is STILL for you 🙂

Release date: July 8th (sadly not where I live… go cry in a corner)

Synopsis: Su Yujin, portrayed by Liu Yifei, is the girl next door: she isn’t in the prettiest girl in the class nor the brightest student. Little does she know, the most popular guy at her school, portrayed by Kris Wu, appears in her youth.

Shout out to @Coriander for compiling the videos for us 🙂

First trailer

Sweet trailer

Angst trailer

“Still Here” MV

“Afterwards” MV

Never Gone BTS Kris special

The final and ultimate trailer


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Press conferences

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15 thoughts on “[Anticipation Post] Never Gone with Liu Yifei and Kris Wu

    • intellectualkitten says:

      Love your question ^^ She is perfection and her clean image despite been in the business forever makes her so much more special!

      I think their interactions are weird at the press conference? But yes, it would be nice if they dated 😛


  1. darla says:

    Trailer looks nice and they love beautiful together. Only complaint I have is Kris isn’t a strong actor so at times, I can’t connect to his character. Of course, this is only a trailer so I hope the entire movie can prove me wrong. Story sounds interesting and I’m stoked about it.


    • intellectualkitten says:

      His acting is a lot less stiff than I was expecting, so I think Kris Wu have talent when it comes to movie acting. So far, his roles have ben interesting and I hope he does a good job in this one too 😀
      Totally a chick flick but I am SO in!


  2. Thank you for this post! I initially meant to comment sooner but I’ve been working all week long. >__<

    I did however manage to squeeze in and plan a drive out to the nearest location where Never Gone hit selected North American theaters yesterday. Took a 3 hour drive and returned speechless (literally). I don't want to spoil anything, so I can only leave it at that, lol.

    As I had previously mentioned, I am a fan of the book and Kimi, but now I can also say that I walked out of that theater in a whole new respected light for Kris. Up until the promo releases for this movie, I wasn't familiar with his works, but it's hard to say I didn't know who he was since he's kinda everywhere, lol. I never took interest in him but having that his fans were so quick to update with all of his news including the movie news, I started getting to know him on a personal level and oh boy, he's just so down to earth. (Soft spot. Lol.) And then watching him portray Cheng Zheng so perfectly had me taken back. I recall telling a friend that I wasn't sure if Kris would be able to deliver and once the promos released, I quickly ate my words.

    Watching him bring Cheng Zheng to life literally made me cry and I think I cried a little more than I should have throughout the film. Lol, but no shame.

    Liked by 1 person

    • intellectualkitten says:

      Sigh… the movie is not airing in my city either 😦 yet I domt dind the motivation to go all the way to the next big city to watch it (props to you!)
      From the trailer, I was expecting a good performance from Kris, but thabk you for confirming it ^^ So glad the movie didnt destroy one of your favourite novels 🙂 If I watch the movie this summer… I will definitely come back here and teply to you again!


      • Awee, its okay. Wait for the DVD release heehee. I don’t want to spoil the movie, but I also can’t say that it didn’t destroy the beautiful piece of literature, lol. Kris saved a lot of it for me but the entire cast was wonderful too. I hope everyone will get the chance to go support these overseas films coming to our doorstep so they’ll keep bringing them. 💪😝


    • intellectualkitten says:

      Hey! Just want to let you know I watched the movie :DDD It was good… but also very cliche? Haha… I feel like I already watched it 100 times before. It is very similar to Fleet of Time or even Third Way to Love. Tell me why you are speechless, I would love to know!!
      Kimi was a “jerk” in this movie, I am kinda sad. Despite been a movie concentrated on LYF’s character… I believe Kris totally stole the spotlight. His acting is crude and touching… sometimes awkward, but overall very pleasing to watch. He gave life to the male lead! I am not sure if Kris is down to Earth (thats what his fans say, but again… they are fans right? :P), but he is definitely one of the most serious among the idol actors and I appreciate this dedication.
      Liu Yifei was good, but I really hope her next movie isn’t so cliche 🙂


      • Aw yay!! Totally appreciate you coming back to let me know. All in all, the best thing was the casting, right? I give the team an A+ on that, lol. They stretched it far off from the book and initially that’s why I’m left so speechless, haha. (I guess) I understand that they’re highlighting the happy and youthful concept, but the entire dark second half of the book is wiped out completely. >____< ..which now turns the movie cliche. They didn't spend enough time in their matured years and the big climax shocker is disregarded. But it's okay, it's like we went to go watch a completely new movie and got a great OST and a pretty cast out of it. Lol! Kimi as JuAn in the movie is the less likable version, he's not this typical in the book and he's actually likable. Absolutely, Kris stole the show for me and that's why I say I like the movie but at the same time I don't–so I'm just left speechless. LOL! I'm so glad you got to see this though. =D


      • intellectualkitten says:

        If we talk about dedication, you took 3h to drive there 😛
        The casting is so awesome! I seriously think I would enjoy it much more if the story is less predictable, since the characters are good, the setting is gorgeous, and I really liked some of those cheesy lines >< Awwnn, when I saw that last scene, I really thought everything turned for the best. Did Chen Zheng became malicious? or Ju An came back to haunt them? What is the big climax? (haha, I feel like I am fishing for information xD)
        The ending song was beautiful! Dailymotion is my friend when I need C-movies, I am surprised it came out so fast too 🙂


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