Entertainment Update: Tons of Trailers and Lovely Moments


Yes, I am using a gif of gorgeous Kris Wu and Liu Yifei to bait you guys into clicking this article 8D

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Shanghai Film Festival Makes Our Hearts Flutter


HAHAHA… OMG, when I told you guys LORD casted half of the entertainment world, I wasn’t lying. At today’s Shanghai film festival, they came together for a group picture and blowed my mind with their… stage presence. Everyone, please prepare your heart for what comes below πŸ™‚

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[Fashion] Same Cloths, Different Feels


Another fashion post here. With so many celebrities being sponsored by the same clothing brands, there is a high chance that the same actor/actress may wear the same thing. I honestly think that everyone pull off the cloths really well so this is an friendlyΒ post. ^^ Be ready to roll! Continue reading

Entertainment Update: Casting News, Stay With Me, TBAM, Yes Mr.Fashion


Be ready to roll roll roll as we have a pretty packed entertainment update for you today! So, what’s good? Continue reading

Entertainment Update: Challenger Alliance, Crazy Little World Called Love, Love Me, Gui Zhong Mei Ren


So much news! Ah lala, a lot of stills and press conferences to catch up on… Continue reading

Weibo Popularity Ranking + Vlinkage + YouGov


Hi there. I remember lifewithdramas used to write these posts before and I always found them quiet interesting because they gave a good impression on who is popular on weibo this week. And since we didn’t write any ranking post for a while, I thought I could translate this one to keep you updated. I also added the vlinkage ranking of the day so you have a better idea of what could be fun to watch πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoy! Not: I will not write this type of post everyweek. Continue reading